Sunday, July 27, 2008

Hope Lives

I just finished reading my 17th book on this summer study break. Without question, one of the most impactful and important books that I've read is Hope Lives by Amber Van Schooneveld.

Hope Lives takes us on a journey of understanding and (hopefully) life change in our attitudes and actions as we care for people on the margins of society.

It is filled with great stats:

You are rich. I'm not speaking metaphorically or spiritually. I mean it: You're rich. If you're reading this book right now, you're most likely among the financially elite in the world and in history--even if you're from a low-income household in America. Did you drink clean water today without risk of death or disease? Are you wearing a pair of shoes? Do you have a dry, safe place to sleep tonight? Did you eat today? You are rich. You are richer than billions of others. The Gross National Income per capita in the United States in 2003 was $37,610. In India it was $530. In Ethiopia it was $90.

Thought-provoking quotes:

It's the greatest poverty to decide that a child must die so that you may live as you wish.
--Mother Theresa

For while there is a poverty of too little, there is also a poverty of too much.
--Amber Van Schooneveld

Inisights from Scripture:

Shout it loud, do not hold back. Raise your voice like a trumpet. Declare to my people their rebellion and to the house of Jacob their sin.

For day after day they seek me out; they seem eager to know my ways, as if they were a nation that does what is right and has not forsaken the commands of its God. They ask me for just decisions and seem eager for God to come near them.

"Why have we fasted," they say, "and you have not seen it? Why have we humbled ourselves, and you have not noticed?" Yet on the day of your fasting, you do as you please and exploit all your workers . . .

Is this the kind of fast I have chosen, only a day for a man to humble himself? Is it only for bowing one's head like a reed and for lying on sackcloth and ashes? Is that what you call a fast, a day acceptable to the Lord?

Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke?

Is it not to share your food with the hungry and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter--when you see the naked, to clothe him, and not to turn away from your own flesh and blood?
--Isaiah 58:1-3, 5-7

But most importantly, Hope Lives will be used by God to change your heart--and to change your life. I made a significant lifestyle decision after reading this book that will enable Julie and me to be more generous with those in need. I pray that Hope Lives will have the same impact on you.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Jesus For President

In light of my recent posts, Jesus For President, is a very important read. Authors, Shane Claiborne and Chris Haw, present one of the most thought-provoking books I've read in quite some time.

This book is not for the faint of heart or those that are not serious about following Jesus (Ummm, should there be any other kind?) . . . Though those who want to find out what following Jesus is all about will find this book very meaningful.

I'm still processing through what I've recently read--really, very, very challenging for those of us who grew up in a "God bless America" and "just war" tradition.

This is a must read!

Monday, July 21, 2008

A quick response

Okay, let me respond to a few comments. First of all, I hope that what I have written in my previous post does not sound as though I am enamored with or endorsing a particular candidate. Quite frankly I couldn't begin to endorse ANY candidate at this juncture!

Secondly, the phone call is fascinating to me simply because it would be wonderful to ask Senator Obama how I can specifically pray for him (something we as Jesus-followers are commanded to do). Or what if in the midst of our dialogue God would actually speak into his heart about the sanctity of human life?

Thirdly, we who follow Jesus will never change the world by legislating Christianity. The world (with ALL of its attrocities) will only be transformed by the love of Jesus as lived out by each and every one of us.

Love you all :-)

Friday, July 18, 2008

Fascinating phone conversation

I had a fascinating phone conversation this morning. The Director of Evangelical Outreach for Barack Obama's campaign called me. Not a bad move for a Campaign Director. Very often as Stark County votes, so votes Ohio, so votes the nation. RiverTree represents the influence of perhaps more than 5,000 voters in Stark County.

The conversation was a good one. I point blank asked if Senator Obama is a committed follower of Jesus. He assured me that the Presidential candidate has been a Christian for more than three decades--that his faith directly affects the way he carries himself as a husband, father and political leader.

We discussed the unfortunate series of events involving Barack's previous Pastor. Once again, he assured me that the views of the Pastor were not embraced by Obama.

The rest of our conversation centered around the issue of abortion. Obama's current stand on the "pro-life" issue is that a woman should be given freedom of choice to abort the child she is carrying at any time. He also stated that the Presidential hopeful will do everything in his power to reduce the number of abortions being performed in the U.S. each year. How? Through education and economic assistance that would both enable and encourage young mothers to carry their babies full term.

The discussion deepened . . . For me, there is a more foundational philosophical issue at hand. When does life begin? Simply for the sake of argument, imagine a woman who has made the decision to abort her child at seven months development. In most cases, given the right support, that child would survive outside the womb. In my opinion, to abort that child would be nothing short of infanticide. To end an innocent life steps outside the parameters of love as lived out and mandated by Jesus Christ.

I realize that you cannot legislate Christianity. Our government can, however, legislate morality. And taking an innocent life is immoral.

As we continued to talk, the Campaign Director thought that it would be best if Senator Obama could personally explain to me how he has been able to integrate his political stance within his faith context. I told him that I would enjoy the dialogue.

We ended the call with the Director of Evangelical Outreach telling me that he would set up the call with Senator Obama. We shall see. We shall see.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Jeffrey Archer

Anything by Jeffrey Archer typically makes for a great beach read or in-flight entertainment. In the past week I've read two of his novels:

A Prisoner Of Birth is on the best-seller list right now. And I thoroughly enjoyed it. Prisoner is a mystery/courtroom/thriller (not slasher) that keeps you entertained from start to finish. If you want a mindless read (that reminds you of why you love to read) then pick this one up.

The Fourth Estate I picked up because I enjoyed A Prisoner Of Birth so much. Big mistake! The characters in Fourth Estate were far too similar to one another (which made the storyline challenging to follow) and, in the end, you really don't like any of the characters--which in some books is okay, but in Archer's Estate it simply leaves you ungratified. My advice--leave this one on the shelf.

If you've read 'em . . . let me know what you think of 'em!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

The Shack

I've been reading a great deal on my summer break . . . five books this past week.

The Shack by William P. Young has already become one of my favorites. Though the book deals specifically with one individual's reconciliation with tragedy in his life, throughout there is an overt message of God's love for every one of us. A message we cannot hear too often!

There are certainly some theological concerns in Young's writing. However, I found them to be less disconcerting in comparison to the absolute correctness of his overall theme.

For further info check out

Pick this one up!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Keep me burning

Lord of the Starfields, Ancient of Days,
Universe Maker, here's a song in Your praise.
Voice of the Nova, Smile of the dew,
All of our yearning only comes home to You!
Oh love that fires the sun, keep me burning . . .

--Bruce Cockburn

Tuesday, July 08, 2008


The day began innocuously enough.

Julie, Tabs, Elijah and I had been spending a couple of days with my sister's family in Atokah, TN (a suburb of Memphis). Julie and I drove to the resplendant and revered home of the late, great, King--Elvis.

Graceland is worth the visit. Not because it is an overwhelming display of wealth, but because it is an amazing commentary on the life of a man who was incredibly gifted by God. Elvis purchased Graceland at the age of 22 (imagine his success) and died at Graceland at the age of 42. Sad. Very, very sad.

Julie and I returned to Gina and Erik's and spent a restful afternoon culminating with a delicious BBQ chicken feast my sister and brother-in-law put together. After dinner I went outside to enjoy a cigar and a good book. Awhile later I prepared to go inside. On the stoop of the door leading into their house was a snake--a small snake--one that I had not seen before. I called to Erik: "Erik come out here!" Erik and I looked at the snake . . . it was not one that he recognized either (though he did point out to me that it had a pointed head and was probably poisonous.)

What to do?

Erik got a shovel. "Let's cut its head off and be done with it," he said. "No," I replied, "Just get me a leather work glove. I'll pick it up and throw it into the woods."

The damned thing bit me! Right through the leather glove!

At first it felt like a bee sting. And then it felt like I had stuck my hand into a hive. When my hand began to swell, my sister, Gina, called 911.

I'm not exagerating . . . one ambulance and two firetrucks later, 10 emergency workers were telling me to "sit down and keep my arm above my heart."

Turns out the snake I was trying to rescue (now headless--thanks to Erik and his shovel) was a Copperhead. And though their venom is rarely fatal to a healthy adult, it is serious and causes EXTREME pain.

They rushed me to the hospital where (much to my dismay) they admitted me for the night. My arm (up to my shoulder) had swollen to twice its normal size. I wish I was making this up! It seems they were concerned about me going into cardiac arrest or the venom reaching my throat.

After a day in the hospital they released me. I felt like a fool. Did I mention that snakes can bite through leather gloves--even leather boots!?!

Anyhow, I'm fine. Except for the dull "tooth-achey" pain in my left arm as the swelling continues to subside.

Sooo, there are so many analogies. Sin can cause a lot of pain . . . but because of Jesus' death has been defeated. Or, it only takes one little prick to start a whole lot of trouble. How about, "Just get me a glove"--kind of a guy thing.

Anyway, the adventure continues and I live to tell another story of adventure . . .

And by the way, in the future when I encounter a snake . . . he better hope that Jesus saves 'cause Greg will be showing no mercy.

Saturday, July 05, 2008


I attended the North American Christian Convention, held in Cincinnati, Ohio, this past week. The program was very high level. Lots of great speakers with lots of encouraging words and insights. Nearly 10,000 church leaders attended from across the country.

By far, the most meaningful part of my time spent at the Convention was my time spent connecting and reconnecting with people I care about. I had two hours one night with a young Pastor leading an amazing church in Las Vegas. Julie and I had dinner with "The Stinklings" one evening. I touched base with a myriad of frontline warriors who are advancing God's Kingdom.

Same relentless purpose, pain and joy . . .

I need the North American Christian Convention.

Friday, July 04, 2008

Break my heart

A friend of mine sent me this link to view. It broke my heart . . . God broke my heart. May my heart break with the things that break God's heart.

Please watch this: