Tuesday, February 02, 2010

I see you

Among the tribes of northern Natal in South Africa, the most common greeting, equivalent to "hello" in English, is the expression: "sawu bona." It literally means, "I see you." If you are a member of the tribe, you would probably reply by saying "sikhona" or "I am here." The order of the exchange is important: until you see me, I do not exist. It's as if, when you see me, you bring me into existence.

My two year old son will stand in front of me and clap his hands when I'm watching television. I'll say, "I see you Elijah." But he'll continue to clap and to watch me. He wants to know if I really see him or if my attention has quickly returned to the TV. "Daddy, do you really know that "I am here?" Sometimes I'll mute the TV so that I can place my full attention on him, or I'll take him into my lap. I want him to know that I really do see him. That he matters.

How many times throughout a day does someone stand in front of me and wonder if I really see them? If I am really present with them.

God, this day, help me to see people. To affirm that they are really here. That they matter.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have met you a few times before and after services at RiverTree and felt you werent really present while we chatted. I promise this isnt a put down, I assume you are probably just overwhelmed by preaching 5 services and talking to a million people. I don't take it personally. You (and God of course) are the reason I am at RiverTree. You dont have to publish this comment.

3:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Thanks for this reminder. We all multi task so much anymomre that we tend to divert our attention from the one who is in front of us. For me I know that this is an issue. I not only don't take enough time to show the person in front of me that they matter, but I don't take enough time to show God that he matters.
Thanks for the reminder.

4:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love the desctiption of God in Genesis 16:13..."you are the God who sees me"...

It never ceases to amaze me that the God of the Universe dispite all the cares and concerns in the universe, still "sees" me in the middle of ordinary life, cooking dinner or whatever. It's only because I know that He sees me, that I am able to see others the way I want to...the way He sees them. Wouldn't it be cool if God used our recognition of others to reveal Himself to them?

..."I have now seen the One who sees me" Gen:16:13

6:03 PM  
Blogger Greg Nettle said...

Yeah, the weekend services are one of my biggest challenges. I've got a thousand things on my mind. Sometimes I wonder if I should just stay in a closet between services.

Enough excuses . . . this is something I need to work on. Thanks for being honest with me.


7:01 PM  
Blogger Mike aka MonolithTMA said...

Sometimes I zone out while people talk to me and later I realize that I heard nothing of what they said. Of course, I hate it when people do that to me. Thanks for the reminder. :-)

8:59 AM  
Blogger Rejh66 said...

Just read your last blog , it hit home. I think in our busy lives we forget to give full attention to people and sometimes in my cas e iI have not given my full attention GOD

11:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was wondering, did you really intend to insist that people leave the church if they're not involved or did I not understand you correctly in the January 31 sermon?
I've been struggling with this most of this week and wondering if I was the only one that received it that way.
May God bless you in all that you are and do!

10:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What happened to the church "anyone can come to"? If we are to be a church that is focused on seeking a relationship with Christ (which I thought we are) and being Christ centered, how can the lead pastor suggest, in essence, get with our program or leave? Where is the heart? Where is the mercy? Where is Christ in all that?! It makes me wonder if I am in the right place here and I don't consider myself as one "sitting on the sideline". I do, however, feel uncomfortable with what seems to be a lack of balance between leading people into relationship with Christ, teaching people how to walk with Christ and the ever present "GET OUT THERE AND SERVE". Correct me if I'm wrong but if you want people to serve from the heart for Christ doesn't it first have to come from a relationship with Christ and Christ directed? I believe Christ does the work in a person's heart and leads them where he wants them to go and what he wants them to do.

2:54 AM  

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