Monday, September 21, 2009

Baptism weekend

This morning I'm trying to recover from this past weekend's incredible "God experience." A close encounter with God always quickly energizes me and then later drains me.

Over the past three weeks at RiverTree we have been involved in a teaching series which we titled, "Immersed." Week one was "Good Is Not Good Enough." Week two, "Faith Is More Than Believing." And the culmination on week three, "No More Excuses!" You can listen to these teachings online at or simply go to itunes.

At the end of each of our services this weekend we offered an invitation for people to fully trust and obey Jesus with their lives and then to be immersed in Christian baptism. 223 people made the commitment and were baptized!!!

My daughter, Tabitha, was one of the individuals who fully committed her life to Jesus and was baptized. It was one of the greatest experiences of my life as I buried her with Jesus in baptism and raised her out of the water to live a new life.

I drove home thanking God that I get to be part of such an amazing church, the Body of Christ fully alive and well on this earth.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amazing weekend! Fun to read all the Facebook and Twitter comments of folks who where at the services at all three campus'. So many folks where moved in so many ways.

1:10 PM  
Blogger Jackson said...

That was a truly one of the most amazing spiritual moments of my life. I did my best to describe it to my friends on Facebook, etc. Words could hardly do it justice. May God bless everyone who was part of that special time.

4:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I walked in and saw the "pool", I began praying that our daughter-in-law would come forward. When she did it was all I could do to fight the tears of joy.

When Tabs came forward the emotion was too much for me, I cried with you.


4:22 PM  
Anonymous Doug said...

Truly a "God moment". With tears in my eyes and joy in my heart I celebrated with the church as person after person went up and were baptized! This will stay in my heart forever!!

8:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The service has made me really think about baptism. I was baptized as an infant. I was confirmed and that affirmed my baptism, so does that mean I need to be baptized as an adult? This has me very perplexed, having come from a denomination where infant baptism is practiced.

8:42 PM  
Anonymous Shirley Flesher said...

WOW!!! that was amazing to say the least. I am on the church prayer team and had been praying for this weekend. never in a million years could I have guessed how amazing it would be. I stood there cheering and singing and thanking God for puting me in this place at this time.

10:05 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Pastor Greg, WOW! An amazing weekend! I truly stood in awe as the people kept coming forward ... God was in His house! It was such a joy to witness all those who joined our Christian family ... especially your little girl, Tabitha. A truly, memorable few moments for all of us!

10:44 PM  
Anonymous Amy said...

Awesome, awesome weekend. We prayed for God to do something amazing, and He did!

In response to the fifth comment above, I too was baptized as an infant and confirmed at the age of 14. I didn't know Christ then, but the 8th grade was the time that our church had decided that youth would go through confirmation class. After I came to Christ, I wrestled with the same questions you are asking about being baptized as an adult. After lots of praying and lots of reading up on what the Bible says and different views on baptism, I did come to the conclusion that I needed to be baptized by immersion as a believer.

We do have a team of people at RiverTree who can talk to you about your questions. We are available after each service at the front of the auditorium, and also near the Welcome Center. We'd be happy to have a conversation with you . . . just look for the lime green nametags. :)

6:37 AM  
Blogger threejays said...

Listen to the Immersed series here if you missed it!
Our God is an awesome God!

1:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Pastor Greg,

I just wanted you to know that My 14 year old daughter got baptized which was awesome, I cried tears of joy.

My father was a pastor for a short time when I was a kid. There were some hurts that happened to him and he wouldn't go to church, he had a wall not a chip on his shoulder. I have been praying for my dad for a long time about 14 years. He finally came to Rivertree with his girlfriend and they have been coming every since and he has been reading his word and really helping my husband and myself at times, but he was never rebatized and I wondered if he ever would and on Sunday he and his girlfriend, (who is now his wife) were baptized. This is a huge Yeah God. Thank you for being a wonderful leader for God and thank you for all the wonderful people at Rivertree!

7:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was there that weekend as well, I told so many people about it, one of the most spiritual times of my life, God was amongst all of us that day, and I cried tears of joy for everyone. Even for myself, as I was so Blessed to see it and I will never forget it the rest of my days here on earth.

10:57 AM  

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