Monday, December 31, 2007


Well, It's New Year's Eve Day. And for me, the closing of the year brings a time of reflection. I use a series of questions to examine the past year and make plans for the new year. To answer the questions I review my calendar as well as my previous year's journal.

Here are a few of the questions:

*Overall, was this past year a good year or bad year for you personally? Professionally? Spiritually?

*What was your greatest accomplishment this past year? What did God accomplish through you?

*What are your three best memories of this past year?

*What are your three worst memories of this past year?

*What did you learn this past year?

*What one new fun thing did you do this past year?

*Best book you read this past year?

*Biggest roadblock you overcame this past year?

*What are you looking forward to in the coming year?

*What are you least looking forward to in the coming year?

*If you could do one thing in the coming year, what would it be?

*What one thing could you do to improve your relationship with God this next year?

I pray you will join me in a time of reflection and commitment to obedience as we follow God and become more and more like Jesus Christ.


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