Thursday, August 02, 2007


I watched the movie Apocalypto last night. You might be aware that it is Mel Gibson's most recent forray into directing. And to keep things short but not so sweet, the movie was horrible. The best way to describe it is Rambo does the Mayan fall.

The only thing of value in the film is an opening quote from William Durant: A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself from within. (The quote at least gave me pause for thought.) Unfortunately I had to waste two and a half hours of my life for that opening nugget. I kept thinking "surely it has to get better?" But alas . . .

What's the worst movie you've ever seen? And, if you liked Apocalypto, let us know that as well--we could use a few more laughs!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jabberwocky was the worst movie I've ever seen. I took Tami there on a date in High School because I like Monty Python, but Jabberwocky was embarrasing!
But hey, it all worked out... 29 years of wedded bliss last weekend.

10:04 AM  
Blogger Tana Rae said...

Northfork was the worst movie. I would like someone to explain it to me. I'm not usually a duhh in these things, but I was shaking my head. If you see it, let me know what it was!

11:23 AM  
Blogger Greg Nettle said...

Hey Dave,

So I'm going to rent Jabberwocky tonight to ensure a long and blissful marriage!

You might want to rent Apocalypto on your 30th to ensure the next 30.

The truth is that if our spouses will sit through horrible movies with us, they'll probably stay through anything :-)


11:32 AM  
Blogger OneManMajority said...

Ugg...definitely Before Sunset. Honestly, rent this just to see how bad it really is.

The movie was about an authour who travels to another country (paris?) to promote a book. While at a book signing he meets a woman he had met nine years before.

For the next hour and a half, he and this woman walk around the city talking about absolutely nothing (basically catching up).

Horrible. No plot what-so-ever.

10:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Re: Before Sunrise and Before Sunset.........only cool if you are going through a divorce and need a good chick flick to pass the time.........
Worked for me last year!

12:46 PM  
Blogger LivingDedGrrl said...

I'd have to say "Deliverance" takes the cake.

I've always been a redneck. When I was a teenager, I worked at a feed mill. If you spend 1 hour in a place like that, I guarantee you'll hear about 50 Deliverance references. I'd never seen the movie, so a friend and I rented it because I wanted to understand what they were all talking about...and whether or not I should laugh. After a VERY long time of watching, I turned to my friend and said, "Is there a plot somewhere in our future?" He said, "Just watch." And 5 minutes later, I was watching the end credits. }:}~

By the way, I'll have you know that we spent 3 hours going to different video stores looking for it. Everywhere we went, it was checked out! OI!!

10:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have always enjoyed Robin Williams movies, and picked one up that looked great a few years back (expecting either brilliant humor or tears through intense drama) only to be sorely perplexed and puzzled by the lack of any reasonable thought process or emotion in the 40 minutes that I watched of it. I am still thinking it may have been an unauthorized impersonator. I can't remember the unremarkable name of the movie but I think it was someone's twisted view of life after death in a form of heaven that I wouldn't want to be cursed to spend eternity in.

A close second, "About Schmidt".

Favorite movies of all time...

ANYTHING animated with the word "Disney" on the cover.

Over the Hedge

Legends of the fall

My fair lady


The story of us

11:42 PM  
Blogger Martin said...

The worst I've ever seen was Inland Empire. I went with a friend who was visiting NYC from Arizona and is a fan of David Lynch. My friend wanted to see it on the big screen because he said it would never show in Phoenix in theaters. Yay for Phoenix. I happened to have some yarn and knitting needles in my backpack. I started knitting during the movie. I knitted almost an entire hat and nothing ever happened in the movie.

9:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sorta embarrassed to admit that I watched 'Kung Pao' with member sof my small group a few nights ago. It is without a doubt the absolute most ridiculously dumb movie of all time. It's a spoof on the old martial arts movies, but whoa... You may laugh, but only at how terrible the movie is. I liked Napoleon Dynamite after I realized that it was intentionally stupid. But Kung Pao enters a whole new realm of that kind of comedy. I'd encouarge you to watch it, just so you could have a point of reference on what "bad" actually is...

6:21 PM  

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