Friday, March 16, 2007

More from Vegas

Here's another bit of wisdom I picked up from the Pastors I was hangin' with in Vegas.

If I'm not spiritually healthy, then I may remain obedient to God for awhile, but I won't keep loving God. And while I may remain obedient for awhile, if I don't get spiritually healthy, eventually I'll stop being obedient. And that's when we get into serious trouble.

So, the key is to maintain a healthy loving relationship with God. Much of our struggle with sin can be traced back to a spiritual life that we let wither.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Thanks for the insight on Vegas. I wonder from your perspective how this plays out in your daily life. In the business of family, travel, sheperding, pastoring, etc..., for the edification of a future pastor - how does one practically accomplish this without compromise?

My buddy and I have been debating about the word "mystic", he seems to feel it is an evil word and we are not to associate with it. However, when I read about the "Mystics" - I want what they had; I want a deeper, more meaningful (beyond the norm) level of communication and intimacy with Dad/"Abba". So.., I agreed to call myself a "Walker" instead of "Mystic", i.e., one who "walks with God". This is symbolic of the prophets mentioned in the OT and the idea/concept of the modern term "My Christian Walk".

This is my desire, but getting there is of course the key - but the desire is there! :-)
Anyway.., thanks again for sharing. Mad Love to you guyz up there in RiverTree! Give Don, Dave Meysem. & and Jason and Susie a hug for Karen and I! Take care bro!

In His Love,

Richie Merritt <((><
Acts 1:8

5:37 PM  
Blogger Greg Nettle said...

Hey old barbarian,

It means we ruthlessly guard our time with God.

I have no problem with the word "mystic." However, I love your "walker" designation!

Thanks for staying close on the journey.

9:24 PM  

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